October 30, 2014
Dear Family,
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
There is no point in hiding
Cause the missionaries are comin’ for YOU!
We don't mess around. We are a highly trained, fully armed (with the spirit) group of 88,000 missionaries that will come and drag you to eternal life. It does not matter where you live, who you are, or what you do. We will find you and we will baptize you and your entire family. The whole world just needs to give up. They can't win!
Anyway, that’s how I feel. haha! The mission is the best. This week was another week full of miracles. We have some really awesome investigators that surprise us every week. This 11 year old named Lucas came to us the other week and started asking us questions. He is amazing! There are questions in the back of the pamphlets that we hand out and no one ever does them but he did them all. It is interesting because his dad is super Catholic so Lucas has a lot of little Catholic things that he has picked up. For example every time he prays he starts off with "Father, forgive us of our sins" which is actually really cool to hear from an 11 year old. The good thing is that his parents are totally fine with him having the lessons and such. Before long we will sneak the message into their house and baptize the whole family. You can't stop it from happening! haha
Elder Leavitt is super awesome. He is always looking for ways to work better and harder and we get along really well. He also likes making movies so who knows. Maybe Dad is right, maybe I might just have to go into film making.
As far as my trunky call goes, they didn't tell me my return date (thankfully) but I told them that I would be flying into the Salt Lake airport and I gave them your emails. I also told them that you would be picking me up so I hope that is the case.
What kind of shoes did you send me? Some Echoes??? Thank you!!!! My shoes are pretty gasted. (So Daniel totally made a “Spanglish” word meaning totally used up or spent) We might have to get them bronzed or whatever you call it when I get home like that one talk.jk
I am glad that Luke is doing well. I still remember how powerful that blessing was that the Stake President gave me.
You are so lucky! You get to go to the temple every week! I am jealous. keep it up!
As far as BYU football goes who even cares about football? I only care about Rugby (or whatever sport that we are doing well in) No one even watches football anyway. But GO GIANTS!
I am having a blast! Send my love to everyone. This is the true church and this is the work of the Lord. Let’s go Share this message with someone today!
Elder Lacey